Sunday, December 18, 2011

The moment

I love being with kids. I love taking care of them, having fun with them, being there for them. When being an au pair, there is the time that the kids need to get used to you. You know when they have accepted you 100% when there is this moment. The moment when they are upset at you (because you are telling them to wash their hands after peeing for example), but they still cling to you. They might be whining, but when you try to walk away, they really start crying. Yes, I know, who likes whiny kids. BUT for me it means that they want you around, they trust you and they believe you can help them. Maybe they are just whiny for a moment and don't know themselves what they want, but it's important that you are there.
Me and Gabriel had this moment this morning. Well, we've kinda had it before, but it was very clear today. I asked him to wash his hand after peeing like he always does, but he didn't want to. So I did it for him and he was kinda crying. We were done and came out of the toilet, he was in my lap repeating that he doesn't want to wash his hands. I kept repeating to him that he doesn't have to, that we've already done it, but he kept repeating himself. So I set him down, and he clang to me. I know, it's kinda silly, but I LOVED this moment. So he told me that he doesn't want to do anything, I have to carry him around. So I did - I took him upstairs with me, because I had to finish writing these Christmas cards. And the boy was happy! :)

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