Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Three months!

Today it's exactly three months when I got here. It feels weird. Sometimes I've felt like the time is not passing at all, and the next moment I feel it just flies by. Very weird. So when I start thinking back to these past three months, a LOT has actually happened. I mean it!
Well, of course - first and foremost - baby David was born in Sept 15th. This cute and precious little boy, who just melts all the hearts. I can't believe it - he'll be 2 months on Nov 15th and he has grown so big. He's not that 'bitteliten' anymore :) But still 'bitteliten' compared to the rest ;) Anyway, he has gained like over 2 kg and grown ca 6cm. He makes some more noise, but I think it's because his tummy is bothering him from time to time. He still loves to fall asleep on my chest - and I love it too ;)
Secondly, I've basically seen the whole Ingvild's family. I only haven't seen her dad and the youngest brother yet. Her mom visited us for two weeks when David was born and her sister with the kids spent almost a week with us during the school holiday. Her brother's family visited us during that time too (but just for two nights). So I'm guessing the record of people staying over in this house belongs to that time - we had 13 people sleeping here for one night - I know, crazy! But again, me like crazy :D
Thirdly - I actually took two official Norwegian tests in the end of October. One for level A2 and the other one for B1. I don't know the results yet, but it's just crazy. Why? Because it takes normally at least two years to reach the B1 level...and I've studied Norwegian for a year (had a two-year cap) and studied another month and a half before taking the test. No, I'm not bragging. I'm just amazed myself. It shouldn't be possible. I am so grateful that somehow I've managed to pick this amazing language up and it really inspired me to learn more, develop etc. Maybe one day I will be able to interpret from Norwegian to Estonian. Now THAT would be cool! :) AND, I read a little about polyglots the other day and that's my dream - to become a polyglot. So I just have to pick up another couple of languages and become like fluent in then. No problem, right? :D
Another one - I celebrated my 25th birthday in Norway with a bunch of great people. I totally loved it. It was kinda hectic and I didn't really have too much time to communicate with everyone, but I just enjoyed the buzz around me and people having a nice time together. Most of them were all from the Arendal Methodist church, so they all knew each other and so there was no problem with finding topics to talk about etc. But anyway - I'm TWENTY FIVE now. I am kind of finally starting to realize that I'm a grown-up and am responsible what I do, how I live etc. Well, don't get me wrong. I've always been a very responsible person, but I feel how I'm big now, I should start living my grown-up life (financially and otherwise) and I feel that I'm not this baby girl anymore that everyone looks down to. It's kinda hard to explain...I'm sorry. I am really lacking words today :D
Well, there have been another thousand little things during these past three months. Several visits to Daniela, Kay, Alex and Julia (my previous family, who lives 20 minutes from me), Norwegian courses every Monday, amazing Sundays in the church etc, etc.
I am really happy here! I am. Satisfied and thankful for this experience! I was thinking just today what would I had been doing in Estonia if I wasn't here? And to be honest - I am not sure. Yes, I could have done a little this and little that, but I don't think I would have found something that would have given me the feeling I have now. That I am needed here. That I can help this family. And this feeling is overwhelming! :)

Bye for now. I'll try to be better in blogging. Btw, this blog entry was inspired by Katrina Kalda. Thank you, sweety!
Love you all!

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