Thursday, October 20, 2011

Being thankful

I got to thinking about being thankful today. Or maybe that's not exactly the right thing. Well, I'll try to explain what I mean.
When I got to Norway in August, the first month everything was just superb. I mean it - like 100% perfect. I would even say 1000%, but that's not scientifically possible, says Bones (yes, I've been watching too much Bones lately:D). Anyway, when someone asked how are you doing and I answered that everything is great, I felt a bit weird. Because a lot of my friends were having kind of hard times - a new job in an unknown town, not knowing if they are going to like the job or the new place, uncertainties in their lives etc etc. I felt like I was boasting about how good life I have, although at the same time it was just the truth.
Now I've had also a bit more difficult times. I have worked long hours couple of times for different reasons, being kinda homesick (I know, I'm shocked too :D) and have been fighting with some things in my life. So when someone asks me now, I'm kind of happy to say that it goes ok, not GREAT :) Isn't that weird? I feel like I have to be having difficulties to be a normal person, not to feel myself guilty. Why do I feel myself guilty when my life is great? Why do I think it's not right?
I don't think God has meant that we have to go through difficulties ALL the time. I am sure that He wants us to have an amazing life. He is our Daddy, and that's what Daddies wish for their kids. And our Heavenly Daddy wants that more than anyone else. And now I'm saying it to totally myself! Grete, stop worrying that your life isn't hard enough, but enjoy it! Because if your life is great, that's a gift from above! So just be thankful and smile and spread the joy! :)

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