Sunday, October 09, 2011

Another great Sunday

Yes, another great Sunday. Different than others, but amazing in it's own way. Let me explain.
Arendal Methodist church had their congregation's weekend the last days at Vegarshei. About 50 people travelled there to spend time together, worship, hear teaching etc. As you notice, I'm writing like I wasn't part of it. Which is true. I didn't have the opportunity to go, although I was considering it. In the end, the reason was that Ole (the father in the family) was asked to play the drums there, which meant that I stayed home to help with the kids in the evenings. And I don't regret. I am really happy he was able to do sth he really loves and serve the church. And I do believe that me staying home and helping with the kids was my way to serve the church this time. Feels weird, because I've never had to do it before. But I'm guessing I have to get used to it :D
BUT we did go up there with the whole family today morning for the Sunday service. Yes, we packed in David, Gabriel and Selma and got on our way - a half an hour later than planned, but we were on our way! And I liked it there. When I walked in, bishop Christian Alsted had just started his sermon. And it was good. It was a bit hard for me to follow, as he was talking in Danish. Well, I understood most, but I just had to concentrate much more than with Norwegian and sometimes some things just slipped by me. But he talked about the story where the disciples had been fishing all day and when Jesus told them to cast the nets back in, they did and got tons of fish. The key thing was that normally when people fish, the cast the nets on the left side, but Jesus told them to throw them on the right side. So the point is that sometimes God tells us to do things differently. And I think we shouldn't be afraid to do it. Because when God says it, there will be blessings! :)
OOOHHH, and the bishop talked about Artur Põld from Estonia! So cool! My friends all asked me if I heard it and said that they all thought of me the moment he mentioned Estonia :) They are so cute! And of course we had Stein, Eva, Kathrine and Elin singing all amazing. We sang the song for Norway again. Just so powerful! And the most important part - God touched me today during the service. He is just amazing! And I just cried....I know, so me :D But I know He loves me, although I haven't heard it so much lately. So in that way I'm starting to understand why do we need Christians beside us - to show God's love to us! :) There's like all complicated thinking behind there last two sentences, but I just don't know how to explain it very well. Skype me to ask more :D
I have had it good in the meanwhile. I have really been enjoying my job and life here. The weather was amazing last week, so we had a barbeque last weekend, but now the autumn is really getting here. It's raining today. And I actually love rain. I just have to get the right clothes on! :)
Well, hoping to hear how your week has been! :)
Love you!

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