Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

So who hasn't heard about the Millennium trilogy written by Stieg Larsson? I have, and I even managed to read about 50-70 pages from the first book. But that's where I left it. Because I just didn't have time.
So now has the first movie come out. Did I go to see it? Oh YES! Well, I just needed to get out of the house, so me and a friend of mine planned a trip to the movies. We were choosing between this movie and Sherlock Holmes. Well, Sherlock lost. BUT - I think it was a fair loss.
I normally don't really give reviews of the movies I watch, because I kinda suck at it - but I really enjoyed this one and want to share a couple of things with you. As I had read like the first chapter of the book, I knew who are the main characters (Mikael Blomkvist and Lisbeth Salander), what they do and what will be Mikael's assignment in the book. That was it and I had actually forgotten about it too.
So, I was pretty much a blank page waiting to be painted on. And was that a way of painting! Well, there were couple of shocking parts in the movie - very graphic in a sexual and very very disgusting way. I mean like abusing way. BUT what I liked was that somehow they had managed to bring it forward so that I kinda felt what the suffering person might have felt. So although I kept my hand in front of my eyes and thought 'What the heck have I come to watch???', I liked it in the overall sense. It gave some spice to the movie and was very realistic. I mean, there was a reason for these graphic scenes and some funny (sarcastic way funny, though) moments came out of them later in the movie.
Another thing I thought of - our privacy. Basically, if anyone wants to know anything about it, they'll find a way. I am pretty sure there are enough Lisbeth Salanders in this world to find out whatever. So in a way it reminds me God. We might think that we can hide stuff and when no one knows, it's OK to do all kind of things. But we should remember that someone always knows. If it's not God, someone else might be keeping an eye on you. So I do think we should live so that we don't have anything to hide.
I also liked the movie's story. What happened etc. I think it was well built up and it was going fast enough so that I wasn't bored. At the same time, I had a doubt or two - most of them were wrong, but I guessed one thing. That was kinda cool! :)
Overall, I really liked the movie. It was different. Well, I mostly watch romance movies, so it wasn't hard :D But I really mean different. I would suggest it to anyone. I really do. And now I'm considering whether I should start reading much more, so I could read all the books before the next movie comes out :) (I have to read more, because I just started Lord of the Rings series and everyone knows that's like over 1000 pages - well, 1068 in my book and I've read 86:P)

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