Friday, September 09, 2011

Tiny bit of missing my dear friends

So I posted couple of hours ago that I am really tired and won't manage to write anything, but time makes miracles. I spent some time in my room in the silence and watching Bones and ate some tortillas (our traditional Friday night food here - yes, I decided NOT to skip them after all) and I feel better now.
I just feel that I have been working quite a lot this week and I am kinda tired. Maybe the fact that I've been trying to cut off Coke and Pepsi are also influencing me, because I've had slight headaches from time to time. So not me. But now I'll try to tell you a little about what I've been up to and what have I been thinking about lately.
The biggest thing this week was moving into my bedroom. Big part of it was that I had to put together my wardrobe by myself (well, I didn't have to, but I did it anyway). Me and Ingvild (the host mom) went to IKEA on Wednesday, picked out a number of things for the house (like a closet for Selma, bookselves to Ole's office etc.) and had to come home without them, because we thought IKEA was open til 10pm. But they closed 9 instead, so we're probably sending Ole to pick up the things soon.
The baby is coming in less than a week. Yes, the date is September 15th. And it won't change, because Ingvild is having an abdominal delivery (keisrilõikus). It's kinda funny, she's looking into her notebook and there it is - the day she's gonna deliver the baby. But it's so exciting also! I've never lived in the same house with a newborn. I know, all the crying and screaming etc..but I don't care. I was looking at some of the clothes today....he's gonna be so tiny-tiny. Or bitte liten, as Gabriel would say with his funny voice and cute face :)
Tonight I was bathing Selma and got tears in my eyes - because I realized that it is so hard to find close friends in a foreign country. It takes time and patience. I have tons of people in Estonia that I am communicating with, seeing someone of them almost every day, calling them, texting... But I don't have basically anyone here. When I want to share something, I don't have anyone to call. When I want to ask for advice, the same thing. When I want to invite someone over for a nice evening or meet someone at the café, don't really have anyone. It is so hard. And I guess the fact that I have been between two countries the past 3 years hasn't ben helping either. Don't get me wrong - I love travelling and being in Norway, but a girl needs someone to talk to, to share with, to laugh with, a shoulder to cry on... So I was reading my friend Kirsika's blog where she wrote that she is asking for a friend from God - I am doing the same thing. I am asking for a friend from God. In the meanwhile, I know He can see everything I am going through. And I guess it's good in a way - I cannot depend on people, I cannot build my life around them. There is only One who I can build my life on, and that's Jesus! Thank God! But meanwhile, let me know you are there... so I'd know I'm not all alone :)
By the way, I was reading a devotional in NORWEGIAN today. The local Methodist church has a 5 weeks series in the church - Rikere Liv (rikkam elu). And we have a book with that title, where we have devotions for 5 weeks on different topics. This week is about prayer and I read one of the devotions. It was really great! I'll try to keep up the good work :)
Well, gonna finish now. It's getting late here :)
Love you,

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