Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Our bitteliten

I've been thinking about writing and now I'm finally getting to it. I have been trying to figure out the feelings I've been having the last days. It just seems that so much has been going on.
Like Sunday. We had the project weekend in the church. So kids helped with the service and they had had a family choir practice the day before. The family choir sang just amazingly. I mean....I shouldn't be surprised at all by this point anymore, but I do enjoy all kind of singing. I do. And the kids did all kinds of things. Like helped to take up the offering. And Jonathan was so funny. He's this 7-year-old in our church and his dad is this amazing pianist that I've talked about before. He was helping to take up the offering. OK, bear with me, I'm trying to explain this situation. The offering basket was on one side and it was sent to the other side, so he RAN to the other side to collect it. I mean it, he literally RAN. I just loved the picture. Yes, it was funny, but had a very strong message for me. Jonathan was just so EAGER to do what he was asked to. Sometimes we, grown-ups, have done things for a long time and we have grown tired of them. So we do things because we have to, because we are used to doing them. I challenge you to look over the things you've been 'always' doing. Where is your heart while doing these things? Are you doing them with joy? Are you doing them to the Lord? I just think it is sooo important to enjoy what you are doing. Yes, I know, there are things that just have to be done. But I also believe that God can give joy in these things too. Because He is just so rocking awesome!
I have to say over and over again that children just amaze me. Like Gabriel. He is turning three in the beginning of November and he is just the cutest. He is just so funny sometimes. On Monday evening he was trying to chase one of the cats we have and followed the cat everywhere. So the cat hid under the small table we have in the kitchen and Gabriel tried to follow. He got stuck between the kitchen bench and the table leg. It took a minute and we got him out again. So he came to me and dad and mormor (Ingvild's mom, who's here to help us at the moment) and told us with all his sincerity that he went under the table and SUDDENLY there wasn't enough room for his head. We just couldn't stop laughing. And today. Gabriel came from the kindergarten and had to check on the baby, of course. So he came back to us and told that he took the baby with his beautiful sharp claws (at the same time holding his hands like claws:D) and he DIDN'T break or start crying :D What do you say to the kid? We were all laughing like crazy again. I LOVELOVE the sincerity.
And our bitteliten (in translation: tiny one). Yes, that's how I call David. Because he just feels sooo tiny at the moment. He weighs like 3,5 kg and is 48cm. That's like nothing. When I'm holding him, I feel like there's nothing in my arms. But at the same time, there's soooo much in my arms. This tiny little person, who will grow and develop and learn. This tiny boy full of potential. AMAZING. And do you know what's the best part of it? He's here like ALL the time. I have never had that. I've always wished for a younger brother or sister, but as you know, I had the honor of being the youngest one in my family. So I've never had this little baby around me all the time before. So no wonder he's lying in this crib in the living room and I just go and peek at him....again and again and again. And I'm amazed every time! And I so wish that I could hold him like all the time....(reminds me of Rachel from Friends :D) He's this precious one there lying and sleeping most of the time. And he's so calm. He was very active in the stomach the last month, so Ingvild had to sit up sometimes in the night. But now he's this calm baby that wakes up like every three hours, eats, we change the diaper and he sleeps again. We are really blessed. I am just amazed at life! Because this really is the miracle of life! And do you know what? I want one! I do. And I do pray that one day (soon, I hope) I can have a baby of my own. Because they are so dear and I'm sure that I can't even imagine what it will feel like when I'm going to have my own baby lying in the crib. My feelings are kid of overflowing already now...but it will be like 1000 times better then.
Love you all,

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