Monday, September 05, 2011

Back again!

Yes, I am back in Norway. I don't know why, but God keeps bringing me back to this place. Do I complain? Not really :)
But yeah, it is hard to explain why I just SO want to be here or move here, but I feel at peace here. And I feel how I'm in God's will - and that's the best kind of feeling one can have!
So I have been here for almost a month, been using Norwegian like EVERY day tons...namely, my family decided that my Norwegian is good enough not to use English with me. They told me I am allowed to use English, but they will reply in Norwegian. Again, I am not complaining. It has been great so far...they have had to explain things over only like once a day :) And I've stuck to Norwegian most of the time, because it's so hard to dig into my brain and find the missing words in English :D But I am trying :)
Today, Sep 5th. I had my first Norwegian class over two years. I got to take a test two weeks before, so that teachers would know how to divide the groups. So I tried to write as much as possible, to get to the best group. The result... I am in the best group and my teacher told me that I am probably almost ready to take the Level 3 test in Norwegian (that's the test my group should be ready for in May, when they finish the book we're starting). So's kinda funny. I am definitely sticking with my group - at least I get to meet some new people, get out of the house and get a lot of grammar lessons. The teacher is ready to give me additional assignments if I only want to :) But I have to decide if I want to take the Level 3 test in October (they are official tests and it would give me the opportunity to have an official certificate of my knowledge in Norwegian). There would be no hurry, because there will be other opportunities for it. The only problem is that the next opportunity to take the test will be in February, when I'm back in Estonia. So here I am trying to decide whether I should take one or two tests in October :)
I've been great, otherwise. I loved going to church on Sunday. We had a Scripture from Zephaniah 3 and the verse that really stuck out for me, was the following:
The LORD your God is with you,
the Mighty Warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you;
in his love he will no longer rebuke you,
but will rejoice over you with singing.” (emphasis added by me)
For me, it means that He isn't just glad we are who we are, but he really loves us the way we are.....He takes GREAT delight in me, in you, in all of us! Also, He rejoices over us WITH SINGING! When was the last time you rejoiced over sth with singing? To be honest, I don't remember. OK, maybe I'm just not a signing person, but still. When was the last time you rejoiced over sth with dancing? Jumping up and down? Not being able to get words out of your mouth? God just treasures us all so highly and He loves us soooo much...we are so important to Him! :)
OK, it's getting late, so I'll continue some other day. There's much to tell, but can't do it all the first time :)

Love you,

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