Monday, June 28, 2010

Orav /Red squirrel

Olime täna Rianaga poes käinud ja hakkasime süüa tegema, kui selgus, et meil pole ju majapidamises jahu. Mina siis mõtlesin, et tore oleks vahelduseks end liigutada ja jalgsi poes käia. Mõeldud-tehtud. Kõndisin rahulikult poe poole, kui nägin bussipeatuses üht pisikest armsat suht punast oravat tegutsemas. Jälgisin teda ja oi kui armas. Ta muudkui nagistas mingite lehtede kallal ja ei teinud minust väljagi. Jälle hetk, kus soovisin, et mul oleks digikas. No muidugi ei tulnud mul meelde idee oma telfuga pilti teha. Mis teha. Aga tõesti armas oli küll.
*Töö koha pealt nii palju, et järgmine nädal hakkame tööle. Ei suuda ära oodata.


We had gone to the store with Riana today already, but when we started making dinner, it came out that we don't have any flour. So I thought that it would be nice to walk to the store for a change. I was walking to the store when I saw a small cute red squirrel in the bus stop. The squirrel was eating some leaves there. I just stared at it and the squirrel just ignored me. Very cute. This was another of those moments when I wished that I had a digital camera. And of course I didn't think of taking a picture of it with my cell. Well, nothing to do. But it was a very nice picture.
*About the job: We'll start working next week. Can't wait!

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