Friday, August 17, 2012

Be open

Recently I'v been thinking a lot about the topic of relationship(s). And yes, mostly the ones between a girl and a boy. How do they come to being, what kind of relationships I've had etc, etc, etc. Anyway, as I was thinking about it, I came across this blog post by Mike Patz ( and I just think it is so true. This was definitely my favorite sentence: "It saddens me to think about relationships that never start because Christian guys don’t choose to communicate their intentions." I just feel it's so true. Well, probably the fact that I found out that a guy had had a crush on me for a period of time some years ago and I found out about it like three years later makes my feelings so much stronger. Anyway, I've thought about it a lot and what I am trying to say is that guys (and why not also girls) should express their feelings and intentions so much more. I KNOW it hurts to find out that someone you like doesn't like you back, but isn't it better to rather find it out than keep dreaming about them? At least you will know where you are, you can move on with your life. Yes, telling someone that you like them without knowing the response is making you vulnerable (talking about my own experience), but I think that's how we're supposed to be. Open, vulnerable, honest. And if you have God on your side and you follow His guidance, you might find out that this person actually likes you too! And if not, so what? As Rachel from the Friends says: "Who wouldn't like to hear that they are loved?"

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