Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Amazing Mosterøy

Yes, everything is amazing recently. But how else can it be, if you are together with great people. And yes, that has been my luck for this last week.
On Tuesday, Alexander (the boy I was babysitting in Arendal) had his first day of school. So we sent him to school and daddy was with him the whole time. He was very excited after coming from school. He liked his new books, the teacher and being in school. He was also so proud of himself for paying attention to what the teacher was saying (he normally has some problems with concentrating :D or listening what he is told:P).
And just after that is was time for me to take the train to Stavanger, which lies in the southwest of Norway. There, beside Stavanger, is a small island called Mosterøy and that is where I ended up :) My first visit here was in 2004 and I've loved the island and the whole Norway ever since. So we had a great evening yesterday, eating pizza and remembering the good old times :D And today I took Samira (my friend's brother's wife from Brazil) up to Mastravaren (small hill just beside the house here) and then we had a trip to IKEA. Of course, today's lunch with waffles was the highlight of the day - this is normally a Saturday meal around here. So it felt really special :)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Amazing Norway with amazing people

Now I've gotten so lazy that I'm going to have an all-English blog entry :)
Again, time has passed and I can pretty much say that I have used my time wisely. I have been working a lot until Tuesday (10.08), as that was my last work day. On Wednesday I went to Arendal, where my au-pair-family lives. It's been great time here. I've been really enjoying the time with the kids and the family. All those precious moments with kids, nice calm evenings on the porch, all those talks, fun moments with the host mom.... I am a really lucky person! :)
On Friday we went to the Kristiansand zoo. And that was definitely amazing! They have HUGE area for the whole zoo and although we spent five hours there, we didn't manage to see all the animals. The most vivid memories are seeing how tigers were fed (and how the father-tiger raised up and was HUGE), all those small monkeys and definitely seeing the giraffes. First came out the baby giraffe, then the mommy, so the baby looked small. And after couple of minutes staring at the mommy, came out the daddy giraffe, who was enormous compared to the mommy giraffe. So yeah....the whole day was full of surprises. I'll definitely add some pictures when I finally get myself as far as to get them from Daniela's computer. Lazy me again :D
Another vivid day was today - Sunday. I decided that it's about time to visit the Arendal methodist church that I enjoyed going to when I lived here for a year. And as soon as got in there and sat down, I felt like HOME. It was an amazing feeling and I don't really think words can do justice to it. I am the kind of person who sometimes enjoys just sitting and appreciating all those people and the moments around me. And today was definitely one of those days :) I enjoyed the service, the kirkekaffe (church coffee) after the service and visiting my friend at her moms place. We were sunbathing and we went for a swim in a river (the first time for me this summer:D). When I got home, we went to visit the parents of the host mom, ate some grilled fish and again, just enjoyed the evening. And after getting home and getting the kids to bed, me, the host mom and host dad sat outside on the porch, enjoying the company of each other and the warm evening :)
I am so thankful for all the things that have happened this summer, because if it hadn't been for them, I wouldn't be here at the moment. So it's definitely been worth it.