Sunday, June 20, 2010

Pühapäev / Sunday

Mõtlesin, et kirjutan üles paar toredat seika, mis meil siin aset on leidnud.
1) Ma pole veel maininud, et sõidame siin ringi Audi A8'ga, mis on tglt luksusauto. Kes ei tea autodest palju, küsige mõne targema mehe käest ja saate teada, millisest autost jutt. Igastahes, Eile juhtus nii, et meil alumise naabri mingi tuttav tuli meile ukse taha ja küsis, kas ta võib autot proovida. No muidugi me lubasime. Päris naljakas oli küll, et lihtsalt tullakse ukse taha ja soovitakse proovisõitu. :P Mees paistis päris rahul olevat asjaga. Täna käisime ka ringi sõitmas ning oli näha, kuidas päris paljud mehed autole tagant järgi vaatasid.
2) Reedel käisime ühel tuttaval koristamas ja nägime tema 9-kuust lapselast. Oi kui nunnu. Ma siis kodus pärast mõtlesin, et tahaks ka endale sellist pisikest. Rääkisin vennaga ka msn'is ja ütlesin talle, et tahaksin pisikest tibu endale. Mina ootasin, et venna ütleb selle peale, et sa pead endale ikka mehe leidma. Aga EI. Venna ütles, et oleks jah aeg selle peale mõtlema hakata, et kaua ma ikka jokutan. Ma pidin šoki saama :D


I thought to note down some things that have taken place in the meanwhile.
1) I haven't mentioned yet that we are driving around here with AUdi A8, which in fact is a luxury car. Who doesn't know much about cars, ask some guy who's into cars and they can tell you what I'm talking about. Yesterday when me and Riana were home our downstairs neighbor's acquaintance came behind our door and asked if he can take the car to a test drive. Of course we allowed that. It was pretty funny that basically some random guy comes behind your door and asks for a test drive :P The man seemed to like the car. We were driving around today also and we could see how quite many men were checking the car out.
2) On Friday we went to clean someone's house and we saw her 9-month old grandson. So cute! Later at home I was thinking how I would love to have one cute baby. I was talking to my big brother in msn ahd told him that. I was expecting him to answer that I should find a husband first. But NO. My brother said that yes, it would be time to start thinking about it and that I should not wait too long. I was shocked :D


Katrina said...

Ot kuidas te sellisele autole käpa peale saite?

printsess said...

Vahel elu ikka naeratab :)